Recall: Why doesn’t my dog come back?

“My dog has good recall …. Unless he sees something more interesting than me.” It’s fair to say I have heard this more than once! Let’s start with the positives – a dog that comes back when there are no distractions at least has a grasp of the principles of recall. A bit like how we […]
Why does my dog bark and howl when left alone?

Separation anxiety is a very common behaviour problem in dogs. There are many potential contributory factors and, once a dog has developed separation anxiety, it can be challenging to resolve. The good news is that, with the help of a good canine behaviourist, and some commitment from you, the owner, it is possible to teach […]
My dog barks and growls at people it doesn’t know. Can a Canine Behaviourist help?

If you have a dog that barks or growls at people in the street, or visitors to your home and you are worried that it might bite someone, or even if your dog has bitten either you or someone else, then a canine behaviourist is the person to call. Dogs usually behave in this way […]
How Does a Canine Behaviourist Work?

I should start this by saying that I can’t really speak for how all canine behaviourists work as everyone will work in a way that works for them and their clients. This is really a description of how I work. I know that some people might feel anxious about contacting a canine behaviourist for help. I am […]
What does a Canine Behaviourist do?

What does a Canine Behaviourist do? If you’re a UK dog owner, you may have heard of canine behaviourists but aren’t sure what they do or how they differ from a dog trainer. A dog trainer will show you how to teach your dog the skills it needs for the job you want it to […]